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It never ceases to amaze me that many folks believe that having a hysterectomy will not affect the body in any way. Well let me rephrase that. That having a piece of you literally cut out won’t have any repercussions. I say bull. And I’ll tell you why.
Too many years I’ve been focused on losing weight since my hysterectomy. Almost obsessed to be honest with you. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research and guess what I learned? If you had a complete hysterectomy which includes the removal of your ovaries, and are kicked into menopause, yes it will make it more difficult to lose weight.
Well imagine that. Why didn’t someone tell me that from the beginning instead of saying eat less. Exercise more. Hysterectomies won’t cause an issue with weight gain. Along with all the other bs we’re told.
This type of thing is exactly why I chose a women ob/gyn. The problem here though is that because she was much younger than I am, she didn’t have the experience of having a hysterectomy. Matter of fact? She was pregnant when she performed my surgery. She can only tell me what she knows and has learned.

It takes someone walking through the journey to understand what a woman’s body goes through. Whether it’s starting your period, having a baby, or going through menopause or hysterectomy, it takes the experience.
For me personally? It’s been a battle as far as weight loss and dealing with the weight in my midsection. Recent changes have made a difference. I follow a balanced, mainly vegetarian nutrition program combined with teaching my fitness classes. This is something that happened accidentally but which has resulted in 15 pounds lost so far. Without killing myself.
There simply are so many moving pieces to the puzzle after menopause no matter which way you’ve come through it – medically or naturally. DON’T let anyone try to guilt you into making you think it’s something you are or are not doing. My friends that didn’t have a hysterectomy, or if they did but still have their ovaries, are not dealing with the same issues I am.
It ticks me off big time when someone says to me “I had a hysterectomy but I don’t have a weight problem.” When you dig further, most times it’s because they didn’t have a complete hysterectomy and still have their ovaries. Yes it makes that much of a difference.
To get back on track, focus first on your nutrition by eating clean and drinking the water your body needs. If you do better following a set program, there are two programs that I personally recommend. The first one is PaleoGrubs and the 2nd one is Noom.
The Paleo Grubs Book is hands down the number one resource we use on a daily basis to not only make Paleo work, but to make it work more easily. Some key features of the book:
Over 470 Recipes – Sure, there are plenty of recipes online for free, but when you want consistent results, you have to trust your source. Detailed pictures and simple steps make all the difference.
Desserts are Included – We wouldn’t have lasted a week on Paleo without a steady stream of waistline friendly desserts. Don’t use willpower, satisfy your cravings for the sweet stuff.
Crock Pot Recipes Make Paleo Easy – Includes a separate recipe guide full of slow cooker Paleo dishes that puts your success on autopilot. Spend less time cooking and still lose weight and look great.
Hate following recipe instructions? It’s probably not your fault, but the recipe itself. The instructions in this book are easy to follow, so much so that even we were surprised. And the photos are professionally taken, so they’ll spur you on to create what you see.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, The Paleo Grubs Book gets our highest recommendation and if you want to try it out you get it instantly, so you can cook up your first recipe tonight while you’re still excited.
One thing we’ve found, this book has actually saved us a lot of money, not only in the form of time, but also because:
– You won’t waste money buying unneeded items at the grocery store.
– You’ll learn how to make your own food from scratch rather than buying pre-packaged items.

– You’ll save yourself from the head trip of having to plan out your meals every day or week.
It’s basically a lifestyle upgrade that takes the Paleo diet from being a confusing and stressful monkey on your back to a simple and easy-to-follow plan that you can use to create the body you’ve always wanted. Click here to get the PaleoGrubs book and get started: Paleo Grubs
Both Noom & Paleo are balanced, easy to follow programs but depending on which level you choose, there is a fee for Noom where Paleo Grubs is a one time purchase. Noom does provide you with a 2 week trial period though that you can try for a donation of your choice. You can get more info here: Noom I liked Noom but it was more involved on a day to day basis for me and I prefer simple which is why I think Paleo Grubs works better.
Again, don’t let ANYONE make you feel bad about yourself. Even those closest to us often say things that can be hurtful but they honestly don’t know any better. They’re not walking in your shoes.