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What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.

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A woman’s body is a beautiful thing. Truly incredible in everything it does with grace throughout our lifetimes. And like women themselves, a woman’s body is never just one thing. From childhood to “becoming” a woman to bearing children through menopause, the female body goes through many phases and transitions.

I personally think it’s a miracle the way a woman’s body goes through so many transitions and bounces back. Think about how the pelvis spreads open during childbirth before returning to its normal position.

One thing I don’t think a woman’s body is designed for, however, is the suddenness of having the uterus removed. My journey has been absolutely insane since I had my hysterectomy over five years ago and I believe the crazy journey will continue at least a few more years. And from the emails and messages I get, I know I’m not alone.

Think about it. Every piece of our body is there for a reason. There will be trying times when any of it is removed suddenly. Before my hysterectomy, all I kept hearing was you’re going to gain weight. You’re going to have mood swings. You’re going to have hot flashes and night flashes. For me, those things were true. Many of us deal with the same issues due to hysterectomy or menopause.

But all that aside, I was consumed with trying to keep the weight off. The more I allowed it to consume me, the worst it became. I needed to let it go and put my focus elsewhere to allow the healing to continue. That is what I eventually did.

What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.

It took one doctor’s visit to do that. When my doctor told me that my blood pressure was up over 30 points and with my family history of heart disease, I knew that’s where I needed to focus. Immediately.

I did try a few quick fix weight loss plans. One was keto that did work short term but not long term for me. One size does not fit all and you have to find what works for you. Keto works for many but not for me. Click here to read: Why I don’t do Keto anymore.

Completely taking the focus off weight loss and instead focusing on heart health is what I needed to do to push forward. The weight loss has been a side bonus and as of this morning, I’m down 14 pounds. 14 SLOW pounds but 14 pounds nonetheless.

How did I do it? With the following simple adjustments:

  • I stopped focusing on weight loss and focused instead of getting back to feeling like myself. My normal, happy optimistic self.
  • Somewhere along the line, my body decided it no longer liked beef or pork. Matter of fact, the last time I ate a burger, I was sick the rest of the day. I now follow what I call a Paleotarian type of nutrition program. I’m 80-85% vegetarian with eggs as my protein. When I do eat meat which is rarely, I’ve done a complete 180 and now prefer shrimp and fish. You can read more here: Good Food? Bad Food?
  • Drink the water my body needs. We need to make sure we drink half our body weight, in ounces, of water daily. I now use a 30 ounce stainless steel bottle to keep track of my water. This is the one I use: 30 ounces stainless steel water bottle.
  • Eat three balanced meals daily. I don’t think my body needs five meals per day but you should test it to see how it works for you. As an example, I have my protein shake in the morning which is a meal replacement shake (this is what I drink: Protein Powder I’ve switched to pea protein – no tummy issues and it keeps me FULL); tomato cucumber salad, 2 hard-boiled eggs with a piece of fruit for lunch and for dinner, generally chicken with a salad. Very simple. But this is important. I don’t tell myself I can’t have something. If I want shrimp and grits while out for lunch or dinner, I have it.
  • Exercise. By far I think that two exercise programs have clearly assisted with my weight loss. Tabata which is a HIIT workout with circuits that are 20 seconds high intensity work followed by 10 seconds rest. The second exercise? Yoga. I teach a Gentle Flow Yoga class three times a week. I do offer private online classes. Message me if you can’t find a location.

The hardest part to be honest? Getting started. What I tell my clients is to simply pick one of the five things above and start it tomorrow.

Doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. If you pick water, starting tomorrow you will make sure you drink half your body weight in ounces before you go to bed.

I’m here for you at any time. Reach out. You GOT this!

p.s. A simple change with huge benefits that literally costs pennies. Also be sure to read my product review on the supplement I’ve been taking about a month and seeing fantastic results in my belly. Thank goodness! You can read it here: Are carbs causing me to gain weight? or get more information on the supplement here:

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