Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50

Surviving the Bloat: 5 Wacky Holiday Weight Loss Tips For The End Of The Year

Well, well, well, here we are, already heading into the holidays! Another year older, wiser, and maybe this year a few pounds lighter as we survive the holiday feasting frenzy. Fear not, for today, we are going to put on our smiles as we read these 5 Wacky Holiday Weight Loss Tips to help you stay on track.… Read More Surviving the Bloat: 5 Wacky Holiday Weight Loss Tips For The End Of The Year

Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50

Weight Loss After 50: Simple and Effective Strategies for Aging Bodies

Weight loss after 50? Is it possible? As I entered my 50s, I noticed that shedding those extra pounds became more challenging than ever before. After 60? It became even more difficult. Is there a secret to weigh loss after 50 I don’t know about? Despite trying out various diet plans and exercise routines, the… Read More Weight Loss After 50: Simple and Effective Strategies for Aging Bodies

After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50

How menopause changes your body. What can you do about it?

Menopause. The word itself can put even the strongest woman on alert. We hear all these horror stories about menopause but really don’t know 100% until we experience it ourselves. Menopause literally means pause in menses. Cessation of our menstrual cycles. That can be a good thing if like me your periods became increasingly more… Read More How menopause changes your body. What can you do about it?

After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, How To Eat Clean

Has my hysterectomy stopped me from losing weight?

It never ceases to amaze me that many folks believe that having a hysterectomy will not affect the body in any way. Well let me rephrase that. That having a piece of you literally cut out won’t have any repercussions. I say bull. And I’ll tell you why. Too many years I’ve been focused on… Read More Has my hysterectomy stopped me from losing weight?

After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness And Exercise At Any Age

What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.

A woman’s body is a beautiful thing. Truly incredible in everything it does with grace throughout our lifetimes. And like women themselves, a woman’s body is never just one thing. From childhood to “becoming” a woman to bearing children through menopause, the female body goes through many phases and transitions. I personally think it’s a… Read More What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.