After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Yoga For Women Over 50

Exercise After A Hysterectomy? Choose Gentle Yoga. Here’s Why.

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Well, as if childbirth alone wasn’t enough, along comes menopause and often hysterectomy. After dealing with hemorrhaging every single month, I decided enough was enough and agreed with my doctor that I would have surgery. One of my questions was what about exercise after a hysterectomy?

Funny thing is that the doctor really didn’t have great answers for me. I talk about this on my YouTube channel which I started for this exact women. To help them after a hysterectomy. You can see that video series here: Healthy and Active Women Over 50

The road to recovery may seem challenging, but there’s something that can help. Gentle Yoga which is what I teach.

Yoga isn’t just an exercise; it’s a holistic journey towards healing, strength, and self-love. It helped me recover faster and better than anything else including walking.

Below are just a few reasons why yoga is one of the best exercise programs for women after a hysterectomy.

Embrace Wellness: Why Yoga Is Your Post-Hysterectomy BFF

Gentle Healing

After a hysterectomy, your body deserves some extra TLC. Yoga, specifically the Gentle Yoga I teach, offers a gentle way to regain your strength without putting excessive strain on your body. The practice focuses on slow, controlled movements that promote circulation and flexibility, aiding in your recovery journey.

Emotional Balance

Hysterectomies can bring about a whirlwind of emotions including depression, confusion and even rage. Yoga isn’t just about the physical; it’s a mental and emotional reset too. The mindful breathing and meditation aspects of yoga can help you manage stress, anxiety, and mood swings, offering emotional solace during this transformative period.

Core Strength

Your core plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance and posture. Yoga postures such as “Cat-Cow,” “Bridge,” and “Child’s Pose” gently engage your core muscles, helping you regain strength and stability, even after surgery.

Pelvic Floor Health

Yoga’s emphasis on pelvic floor exercises can be a game-changer following a hysterectomy. These subtle movements aid in pelvic floor rehabilitation, contributing to better bladder control and overall pelvic health.

Body Awareness

Yoga encourages a deep connection between mind and body. By listening to your body’s signals and respecting its limitations, you’ll gain a newfound understanding of your post-hysterectomy body, ultimately speeding up your healing process.

Enhanced Flexibility

As you gradually ease into yoga, you’ll notice improved a huge improvement in your flexibility. This flexibility extends beyond your physical body; it extends to your outlook on life and your capacity to adapt to change.

Self-Care Ritual

Post-hysterectomy, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and take the time to allow your body to heal. Yoga is a beautiful way to make self-care a part of your daily routine. It’s your time to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Stress Reduction

Yoga is well known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. After a hysterectomy, stress can hinder your recovery; yoga helps you release tension and find a sense of calm.

Embrace Your New Normal

A hysterectomy is a significant life change. As women, our uterus allows us to bring life into the world. Yoga can help you embrace this new normal with grace and acceptance. It’s about celebrating your body’s resilience and adapting to your unique circumstances.

Remember, yoga isn’t a race; it’s a journey. Listen to your body. Take it one pose at a time, and celebrate every small victory.

Your post-hysterectomy journey is unique to YOU. Yoga will support you, nurture you, and help you feel better day by day.

Are you ready? Unroll your mat, take a deep breath, and let the healing power of yoga guide you on your path to a better mind and body.

Not sure where to start? I have a few private and small group sessions available online. You can check those out below.

Coming soon will be my Gentle Yoga classes live for groups with a new class released weekly focused on supporting women over 50 after a hysterectomy and/or menopause.

If you are not able to work with me privately or in a small group and would like to begin before my weekly program starts, I recommend you begin with this program. You can start for free today using my affiliate link here: Yoga Monthly

Namaste. ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’•


Gentle Yoga Private or Small Group Class Information:

This is the class I teach three times a week at our local gym. It requires members sign up as it is so popular. You can also take this class as a chair yoga gentle class. We can talk about the best yoga flow for you during our first session.

Additional information is below for you:

30 Minute Gentle Yoga Session With Denise or 55 Minute Gentle Yoga Session With Denise

The following information will help you on your hysterectomy recovery journey: