After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness - Exercise

Why is it so hard for women over 50 to lose weight?

This is a question not only do I constantly get, but doctors also get quite often. Why is it so hard for women over 50 to lose weight? Why am I gaining weight when I’m not eating any more than usual and still exercise? What can we do about it? First, let’s talk about what… Read More Why is it so hard for women over 50 to lose weight?

Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness - Exercise, Low Carb Food & Recipes

Why do some women gain weight during menopause?

Most of you know my story in that I was having a monthly period until I had my hysterectomy at 53. Mine was a complete hysterectomy including ovaries and cervix. And yes I have been battling weight since. But is it because of my hysterectomy or is it due to the immediate surgical menopause? Most… Read More Why do some women gain weight during menopause?

After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness And Exercise At Any Age

What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.

A woman’s body is a beautiful thing. Truly incredible in everything it does with grace throughout our lifetimes. And like women themselves, a woman’s body is never just one thing. From childhood to “becoming” a woman to bearing children through menopause, the female body goes through many phases and transitions. I personally think it’s a… Read More What I learned by failing at losing weight after my hysterectomy.

Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness And Exercise At Any Age

Best women’s exercise shoes for hip and knee pain.

Why your choice of shoes is important. Love to exercise? Is walking or running your passion? Or maybe it’s Zumba? How about my favorite, Tabata? I like to move whether it’s at the gym or around the house working in the yard so when hip pain almost shut down my exercise routines, I did some… Read More Best women’s exercise shoes for hip and knee pain.

After the hysterectomy, menopause. Back to you., Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness And Exercise At Any Age, How To Eat Clean

10 things I do to stay on track with my weight loss goals after 50.

It’s been several years now since my hysterectomy and I’m closer to 60 now than 50. I’m definitely still on a learning curve when it comes to my weight loss goals and journey especially since my hysterectomy. I’ve since learned that moving forward with the thought that I will easily reach AND maintain my goal… Read More 10 things I do to stay on track with my weight loss goals after 50.

Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Fitness And Exercise At Any Age

Why I don’t diet anymore; and you shouldn’t either.

Ever realize diet has the word “die” in it? Really hate the word diet. And not only do I not use the word diet, I also don’t use the word hate but in this case they’re the perfect words to use. Another thing I don’t do? I don’t diet anymore. There are so many reasons… Read More Why I don’t diet anymore; and you shouldn’t either.