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5 Simple Things To Do To Lose Weight This Month

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Now it’s almost 2021!  If weight loss is on your list, jump start your goals and lose weight this month. This article gives you tips to do that 😉

It’s almost 2019!  Boy did 2018 fly by if you ask me. It’s been an up and down year for me so I am really not too sad about moving into 2019 confident, happy and healthy.

Do you make resolutions? I actually do but I have learned at the young age of 57, to make stepping stone resolutions instead of big chunk, open ended resolutions. What does that mean? When you make a resolution to lose weight without any parameters, it’s too large for you to really see the progress you’re making.  When you make stepping stone goals, you reach your larger goal in bite size pieces.

To help you this year, below are 5 simple things to do to lose weight this month.  These 5 steps are exactly the same ones I’ve been following the past 5 weeks and I am down 12 pounds as of writing this post.

Remember K.I.S.S.  Keep It Simply Silly.  And most important? CELEBRATE your progress.  If you only lose 1/2 pound every week for the next year, you will be down 26 pounds by this time next year.  Does that put it in focus for you?

Ready? Let’s do this!

  1. Eat a fruit or vegetable FIRST at every meal.  For breakfast, I put a fruit in my meal replacement shake.  At lunch, I usually eat a salad before my soup or sandwich.  At dinner, again the first thing I eat is a salad or possibly a vegetable appetizer like roasted brussel sprouts.  Resolution 1 – eat a fruit or vegetable FIRST at ever meal.
  2. Eat 3 meals per day.  Okay this may be a tough one for many to wrap their brains around as we have been programmed lately to eat every 2 hours or so.  Yes that works for many, HOWEVER, it does not work for me or my lifestyle.  I have gone back to basics eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the scale is showing results. Resolution 2 – eat 3 meals per day. Need a jumpstart? Click here for the:  5 Day Meal Plan
  3. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces in water.  If you weight 180 pounds, you MUST drink 90 ounces of water every day. There is NO EXCEPTION to this resolution. Resolution 3 – drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day.
  4. Exercise 3 times per week.  I recommend 2 – 3 high intensity interval training programs and 1 gentle flow yoga session. Resolution 4 – exercise 3 times per week.  Not ready to go the gym? Join me online!  All my classes are live AND recorded. Designed for women over 50 by a women over 50. More info here: Online Fitness Classes.
  5. Weigh yourself.  You will not know how far you’ve come if you don’t know where you started. Resolution 5 – weigh yourself daily. If you are not comfortable with daily, weigh yourself weekly minimum.

That’s it.  Tell yourself right now, you are making these 5 health resolutions and even more importantly? YOU ARE KEEPING THEM FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS.  You CAN do this and you WILL do this.  Be sure to let me know in 30 days how you feel.  My bet is you will feel amazing.

To your health,


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