Best Way To Lose Weight For Women Over 50, Low Carb , Paleo

Baked Egg in Avocado Paleo Vegetarian Recipe

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You’ve heard me say it many times – one size does not fit all. And I think it’s an even more accurate statement when it comes to nutrition. The more I learn, the more I need to learn. (Baked Egg in Avocado Paleo Vegetarian Recipe below.)

My body has changed significantly since my hysterectomy. Before my hysterectomy, I leaned toward a red meat based diet because I was very anemic and iron deficient. Since my hysterectomy, my gravitates more vegetarian. I simply feel better when I follow vegetarian/Paleo based eating style.

Many people are confused by the term Paleo often thinking it means meat, meat, MEAT. The thing though is our prehistoric ancesters were foragers eating what they could off the land. This would include fish and other lean meats but also include vegetables, roots, nuts and seeds.

I’m not sure there is a such a thing as a true Paleo-Vegetarian but for me I lean toward eating vegetarian 80-85% of the time and when I do have eat meat, it’s lean chicken, turkey or seafood. Again, I feel physically better limiting the meat that I eat to these three plus vegetables along with no processed carbs. You may find that you can eat a true Paleo nutrition program. If you’d like to give Paleo a try, I fully recommend Robb Wolf’s Paleo Guide. This is where I started for my base and tweaked for my nutritional needs.

One of my all-time favorite recipe is this Baked Egg in Avocado. Recipe below.

Baked Egg in Avocado Paleo Vegetarian Recipe

Original recipe yields 2 servings

2 small eggs
1 avocado, halved and pitted
2 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
2 teaspoons chopped fresh chives, or to taste
1 pinch dried parsley, or to taste
1 pinch sea salt and ground black pepper to taste

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F
  • Crack the eggs into a bowl, being careful to keep the yolks intact.
  • Place avocado halves in a baking dish, resting them along the edge so avocado won’t tip over. Gently spoon 1 egg yolk into the avocado hole. Continue spooning egg white into the hole until full. Repeat with remaining egg yolk, egg white, and avocado. Season each filled avocado with chives, parsley, sea salt, and pepper.
  • Place baking dish in the preheated oven and bake until eggs are cooked, about 15 minutes. When finished if you’re not eating vegetarian, you can sprinkle bacon over the top.

That’s it! Quite simple right? Found this recipe years ago from AllRecipes, saved it on my computer and have used it so much I no longer need to look at the recipe.

Eating healthy, exercise and rest are critical for overall health and wellness. Not going to the gym? I invite you to join me live or at a time convenient for you. Simply click here for class schedules: Online Fitness Classes I also offer a Plus Size Fitness Program perfect for those that need more accountability and motivation. Get the details here: Plus Size Fitness Program with Meal Plan.