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4 exercises guaranteed to make your abs & core hurt.

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I may be one of the few, but I like when my body is sore after working out. It means I’m keeping my body strong and lean. Using muscles that I may have been neglecting. My favorite body part I like to feel the burn? My abs & core.

Today as I write this, every time I lean back in my chair, I feel my core muscles especially my obliques (sides). Last week, I changed the routine in my morning Tabata fitness class. That’s the advantage of being the instructor. You can change things up anytime and that’s exactly what I did by adding pilates to the end of class.

Our bodies are absolutely amazing and will adapt to anything we ask it to do. What may be difficult in the beginning becomes easier and easier the more we ask our bodies to do the exercise or task.

A simple change with huge benefits that literally costs pennies. Also be sure to read my product review on the supplement I’ve been taking about a month and seeing fantastic results in my belly. Thank goodness! You can read it here: Are carbs causing me to gain weight? or get more information on the supplement here:

best 4 exercises for core

Your core is from your shoulders to your hips, front and back. It controls your standing upright, bending over, sitting down and so much more. This is exactly why it’s critical we maintain our core strength.

I love Tabata for so many reasons but for me personally? Because it helped me get my blood pressure back in check where it’s supposed to be – at 112-115/70-72. And it happened fairly quickly from where it had been ticking up to 140/80.

The reason Tabata is so effective is because you work at maximum capacity for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest. This is HIIT. High intensity interval training that maximizes the workout in 20/10 intervals. So good for heart health.

Next we must, must, must keep our core strong. Sit-ups won’t do it alone. 20 years ago I took my first pilates class and instantly fell in love. Can you say “hello core?”

Because I constantly change my class exercise rotation, I recently brought barre and pilates back into play. Whoa! Pilates, I’ve been missing you.

To follow are my top four core exercises that might remind you that you do indeed have ab muscles. Great to tie-in as exercise for 5 Easy Things To Do To Lose Weight This Month:

  1. Planks. All planks all day. Shoulder tap planks. Knee to opposite elbow plank. Down dog to plank. Superman plank. Side planks. And the list goes on and on. Start at 20 seconds and build up from there.
  2. 100’s One of the toughest pilates move in my book and one you’ll absolutely feel in your core. Raise your legs and bend them at the knee in the tabletop position with your shins and ankles parallel to the floor. Lift from your chest. Keep your chin off your chest. Inhale for count of 5. Exhale for count of 5. 10 times. You’ll feel this one.
  3. V-up. Lying on your back, lift both your upper body and lower body into a vee. Roll down vertebrae by vertebrae. Beginner start with one foot on the floor.
  4. Criss Cross. Great big circle with your arms while bringing your knees into your chest. Hug your knees then extend back out with arms above head and legs straight with toes pointed.

Start slow – approximately 20 seconds per exercise; 3 times through the 4 exercises. Build up your time as your abs & core gets stronger and stronger every day. I guarantee you’ll feel your abs tomorrow. Enjoy!


p.s. if you’re trying to lose weight, this may help. A simple change with huge benefits that literally costs pennies. Also be sure to read my product review on the supplement I’ve been taking about a month and seeing fantastic results in my belly. Thank goodness! You can read it here: Are carbs causing me to gain weight? or get more information on the supplement here:

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