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Here we go. The holiday season is in full swing. Starts at Halloween then continues through the New Year. How can we keep our weight in check with all the goodies we are tempted with everywhere we go? Here are tips for December weight loss that will get you through the New Year on track.
Tips for December Weight Loss
- Take a break from coffee drinks. I know. I know. I love to hit Starbucks too when it’s cold. But those delicious concoctions are loaded with calories. Choose black coffee and save your calories for a sweet treat you only have once a yaer.
- Take a walk. Simply getting up and moving daily will help you keep your weight in check. During the winter months, it’s easy to sit on the couch and veg out but we need to keep moving.
- Give yourself the gift of health. Many studios and gyms are having specials at this time of year. If you’ve been thinking of joining one, now is a great time. Not one for the gym? Take a look at fitness equipment you’ll generally find on sale in January and strength train or do yoga at home.
- I always tell people to drink a glass of water before every meal. The next best thing to do is eat a salad or soup prior to the main entree. Something as simple as a salad or a cup of soup takes the edge off your hunger helping you control what you’re eating.
- Skip the chips and other junk food. Like point 1 above, save those calories for the special treats you only have at this time of year.
- Go outside. Yes baby it may be cold outside but the cold helps your body burn calories by trying to stay warm. Just keep moving.
- Turn off the tv. It is very easy to get in the rut of watching tv and snacking in the evenings when it gets dark earlier. Turn off the tv and find something else to do around the house or take time to visit with family and friends. After all it is the holiday season.
Pretty simple right? It actually is. Rule of thumb is don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be.